Nov 11, 2019

CCI Approves Capgemini SE’s Acquisition of Sole Control over Altran Technologies SA

On September 2, 2019, the CCI approved Capgemini SE’s (‘Capgemini’) acquisition of sole control over Altran Technologies SA (‘Altran’).[1] Capgemini already held 11.43% of the shareholding in Altran prior to the combination.

Capgemini is a French company which is the parent entity of its group. Capgemini provides a wide range of services including IT services, and supports major companies and organizations in creating new products and services within the digital economy. Capgemini is present in India through six subsidiaries. Altran is also a French company which is the parent entity of its group. It is active worldwide in the provision of engineering services. With respect to the Indian market, Altran through its subsidiaries provides engineering services to the local Indian market, catering primarily to industries relating to semiconductors, telecom, and enterprise and consumer software. Altran has other entities which have limited presence in automotive, energy, industrial & consumer and aeronautics industries in India.

The CCI noted that the activities of the parties overlapped in the broader segment of provision of engineering services in India, as well as in the narrower segments of provision of engineering services in aeronautics, energy, industry and consumers, and automotive sectors. The CCI noted that the combined market shares of the parties in both segments were insignificant, owing to the presence of other players in the segments. In light of the above factors, CCI was of the opinion that the combination was not likely to have any AAEC and accordingly, approved the combination.

[1] Combination Registration No. C-2019/08/677.




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