Oct 01, 2016

Diverging rulings by the Bombay HC and Delhi HS on the Issue of Jurisdiction in Trademark and Copyright Infringement Cases

Pursuant to the decision of the Supreme Court of India (‘SC’) in Indian Performing Rights Society Ltd. v. Sanjay Dalia and Anr. [1] (‘Sanjay Dalia Case’), the Bombay HC and the Delhi HC have had the opportunity to interpret this ruling and have adopted diverging views.For instance, in the case of Manugraph India Limited v. Simarq Technologies and Ors[2] the plaintiffs (having registered offices in Mumbai) brought a suit for trademark infringement before the Bombay HC, although the cause of action arose in Delhi for one set of plaintiffs, and in Kolhapur for the other set. The Bombay HC, however, ruled that it continues to have jurisdiction despite no cause of action having arisen in Mumbai on the reasoning that Sections 134 and 62 of the Trade Marks Act, 1999 and the CR Act allow plaintiffs to institute suits at the place where they carry on their business, irrespective of whether or not a cause of action arose in that place. Further, the Bombay HC held that the only mischief the SC was trying to remedy in Sanjay Dalia Case was the mischief of plaintiffs filing suits at far-flung subordinate offices where no cause of action had arisen.However, a Division Bench of the Delhi HC has taken a contrary view in the case of Ultra Homes v. Purushottam Kumar Chaubey & Ors.[3] In this case as well, the plaintiff instituted a suit before the Delhi HC on the ground that it carried on business in Delhi, i.e. its principal office was located in Delhi. However, the cause of action arose in Deogarh, Jharkhand (where the plaintiff’s subordinate office is located). Applying the principle laid down in the Sanjay Dalia Case, the Delhi HC held that the plaintiff would be deemed to carry on business at the place of his subordinate office and not at the place of the principal office and therefore, in such a situation, the plaintiff could sue only at the subordinate office and not at the place of its principal / registered office.[1]     Indian Performing Rights Society Ltd v. Sanjay Dalia and Anr., Civil Appeal Nos. 10643-44/2010 (arising out of Civil Suit FAO (OS) No. 359/2007)and Civil Appeal arising out of SLP [C] No. 8253/2013.[2]     Manugraph India Limited v. Simarq Technologies and Ors, Notice of Motion No. 494 of 2014 in Suit No. 516 of 2013, Bombay High Court (judgement dated June 15, 2016).[3]     Ultra Homes v. Purushottam Kumar Chaubey & Ors., FAO (OS) 494/2015, Delhi High Court (judgement dated January 20, 2016). 




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